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Monday, April 19, 2010

Assignment for Math 211 9:00 - 10:30 daily, to be submitted on April 21, 2010.

1. From an airplane 1,525 m above a horizontal ground, a pilot observes two
villages on the ground to the east whose angles of depression are 8 degrees and 38
minutes and 5 degrees 46 minutes. How far apart are the two villages ?

2. A tree casts a shadow of 12 m when the sun’s angle of elevation is 56.5 degrees.
Determine the height of the tree.

3. Determine the missing parts of a triangle whose hypotenuse is 30 cm if the base
angle is 35.75 degrees.

4. Determine the missing parts of a right triangle whose base is 75 cm and base angle
of 26.5 degrees.

5. An observer notes that the angle of elevation of the top of a 6 m high flag pole
on a level ground is 32.25 degrees. How far is he from the base of the flag pole?

Friday, April 9, 2010

For CSE 211 students to be submitted on April 12, 2010
1. Make a research about the importance of Ethics in IT
2. What is the significance of Ethics for IT in your career ?

For Physics 301 students to be submitted on April 12, 2010

1. Convert the following to the specified units.
a. velocity, v = 360 cm/s to ft/s and mi/hr.
b. volume, V = 5,250 cubic meter to cubic yard and cubic feet.
c. Area, A = 450 square meter, to square yard and square feet.
2. A truck moves with a speed of 72 km/hr. Convert this speed in miles per hour, ft/s and m/s.
How many meters will it travel in 45 minutes. How many minutes will it travel 108 km?